Wednesday Aug 09, 2023

CIRSx Recap - Part Two! Gossip, silliness, and serious healing -

For more information, visit

We attended CIRSx 2023 and learned a ton of new info and are bringing you the highlights today! We had to split up the whole CIRSx weekend into two parts, and here is part two! For more information, visit


00:00 Intro
00:58 Even Holy Water Supports Mold - Mike Schrantz and Bill Weber
03:13 Erythromelalgia and Peripheral Hypoperfusion - Dr. Lysander Jim
04:04 Stop Coronary Disease: Live Longer, Live Better - Dr. Bill Blanchett
05:26 Dust Mites: So Uncontroversial It's Almost Forgotten - Carl Grimes
07:03 Cyanobacterial Toxins as a Risk Factor for Neurodegeneration - Dr. Elijah Stommel
08:18 Coagulation and GENIE - Dr. James Ryan
09:24 Foundations Training with Jesse Salas and Dr. Goodman 
10:51 Understanding Immune Response Genetics: Deeper Dive into HLA - Dr. Scott McMahon
11:52 Historical vs Modern Dust - Greg Weatherman
12:35 Osteopathy as an Adjunct Therapy for Those with CIRS - Dr. April Vukelic
14:42 Holy Water Pt 2 - Mike Schrantz and Bill Weber
15:10 House Hunting with CIRS - Jennifer Schrantz
17:09 Benzo Induced Neurologic Dysfunction - Dr. Christy Huff
19:21 Outro

CIRSx website:

Jacie is a 3.5+ year carnivore, certified nutrition coach, and carnivore recipe developer determined to share the life changing information of carnivore and CIRS to anyone who will listen. Barbara is a coach, facilitator, speaker, 2.5+ year carnivore, and a big fan of health and freedom. Together, they co-founded The CIRS Group, an online support community to help people that are struggling with their CIRS diagnosis and treatment.

Catch Jacie and Barbara on Judy Cho's podcast to learn more about their health journeys and why they started The CIRS Group: When Carnivores are Affected by Mold Illness - Jacie Gregory & Barbara Williams -

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